
Thursday, April 16, 2015


Problem Based Learning (PBL). Trigger 9.


Problem: How creative ideas become messages?
Learning objectives:
1. What is the process of creating a message?
·      How do advertising agencies turn their ideas into a clear message?
·      What factors do you need to think of when creating a message? 
2. How to make the message appealing?
·      How do advertisements reach people emotionally and nationally?
    How to get through the “clutter” of advertising
The process of creating a message:
Advertising Strategy->Creative Strategy-> Creative Brief (Idea)-> Implementation
Creative idea should remain constant while the way to deliver it and the message can vary.
 Factors to consider:
- How to capture attention of your target audience with a headline
-Identify the target audience's needs and wants
-Describe the benefits and value of your product
-Give your message credibility
-State the action you want the recipient of your message to take (e.g. "pick up the phone and call..")
Based on:

How to make the message appealing:
-Indicating brand name, origin of the product, the features the customer is looking for
-Creating emotional message
-Making a contrast effect (e.g. with some other product)
-Endorsing a celebrity as a brand face
-Try to engage your customers with the message
Sources: Chris Fill, Marketing Communications: Interactivity, communities, and content. 5th edition 2009; 
"Visual Identity.Promoting and Protecting the Public Face of an Organization" by Susan Westcott Alessandri

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